William Cheong Scam or Not Explained....
Eventually there are many sites talking about William Cheong Scam or his Facebook Marketing Class is a scam. Which is why I am here to explain what actually happened. Some incident where some jealous people done something bad to me. Sometimes, you just have to step back a little in order to make a peaceful life. Resources: http://williamcheongscamexplained.blogspot.my/2017/10/william-cheong-sabotaged-scam.html https://youtu.be/Ev8amHOrOWk https://vimeo.com/236870284 https://sites.google.com/view/williamcheongscamexplained/ https://twitter.com/williamcheong85/status/915815003294330882 https://twitter.com/williamcheong85/status/915811181738188800